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Warum die Externalisierung innerer Zustände des Künstlers durch sein Werk nicht die These von der Offenbarung des Unsagbaren durch die Kunst belegt - Ein Folge-Essay (Why the externalization of inner states of the artist through his work does not prove the thesis of the revelation of the inexpressible through art. A follow-up essay in German language Planned as a clarification of the essay “Is art the revelation of the unspeakable?”)

(Schwabing, 28. Dezember 2020 - Written in German)

Content: In addition to intended and accidental elements, a work of art can also contain externalizations of internal states of the person who created it. However, it cannot be concluded from this that a revelation of the unspeakable takes place through art. For if revelation were understood as the disclosure of the truth of the externalized mental state through the means of linguistic terminology, its unspeakability would prove to be non-permanent. If the revelation of the unspeakable is only to take place in its encounter with the recipient’s feelings, which vibrate in the same frequency range, it is more likely that the work draws the viewer into its mystery. Presumably, the rational interpretation of areas of the inner life of an artist externalized by art and the emotional resonance between the work and its viewer are by no means mutually exclusive, but make up - even without the unspeakable revealed - to a large extent what is called enjoyment of art.

Ist Kunst die Offenbarung des Unsagbaren? (Is art the revelation of the unspeakable?) - Ein Essay

(Schwabing, 27. Dezember 2020 - Written in German)

Content: Is art the revelation of the unspeakable? The essay, which is written in German, deals with two possible concepts of the unspeakable: On the one hand, there are the sensations and emotions of the artist, which cannot be conceptually communicated as an inner experience. On the other hand, there is the unspeakable as the inherently indefinable. The author tries to prove that art reveals the unspeakable neither in the first nor in the second sense.
Über: Hellmuth Opitz / Johannes Nawrath, “Aufgegebene Plätze, verlorene Posten”

(Analysis of a relevant example of contemporary germanophone poetry / Bilbao 2014, written in German)
Über das Wesen und die Funktion von Kitsch

(About kitsch, its substance and function, Munich February 2017, written in German)
Interkulturelle Integration als Bildungsaufgabe

(Intercultural integration as an educational task, Bilbao 2015, written in German)
Interkulturelles Lernen im Schüleraustausch

(Intercultural learning based on the exchange of students, München/Munich 1997, written in German)
What you see is what you are prepared to see

(Bilbao 2014)
Angekommen – aufgenommen? Zur schulischen Integration von Migrantenkindern

(Bilbao 2015)