
europe closes

(europa schließt)
Translated into English by Rudolf Weiler.
Published in: “THE TRANSNATIONAL. A Literary Magazine”, Vol. 6, edited by René Kanzler, Norderstedt 2019, p. 53 ff.


europe shuts out after long battles
the enemy mode for the future.
therefore, it conjoins promptly
to heed this golden rule:
the opener we are the more we make out of it.

so europe seals all sorts of treatises
within itself and with many other spots of the world.
europe’s power grows and the amounts
that others pay for it are not only payable in currency.
thus, one makes up to big brother.

if suitable, one deduces other’s sorts from one’s own.
canons for the enemies of one’s enemies
does not exclude this at all.
and be it as a consequence a vast number of people
wander north and westward and finally knock on europe’s door.

and in many places, one embraces millions
for human love. – it might also be profitable
to open one’s door to a fresh group of workers
if indigenous genes only grow sparsely:
thus, in the future one might close a gap.

but in many places, there are different ways to reckon,
there even one turban wearing man might be too much.
and the result would come about promptly,
the continent shows the planet its profile:
europe closes.