Übersicht des Interkulturellen

Youth Politics. A Panel Discussion

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The trait d’union profile in five languages

trait d’union - Idee, Konzeption und Projektstruktur

Projekte: Idee und Konzept; Evaluation, Analyse und Nachhaltigkeit

About Commenting. An Outline of a trait d’union Tutorial

Use “trait d’union” for your educational purposes!

Flucht & Heimat

trait d’union: on two pages / auf zwei Seiten

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Wirtschaftskultur bzw. Interkulturalität im Bereich der Ökonomie

Intercultural competence learning: from “trait d’union” through to the Intercultural Driving Licence

What you see is what you are prepared to see.

Intercultipedia: Wiki for Gathering Descriptors of Intercultural Competence (Draft)

Intercultural Competence and its Certification

Die Polyvalenz des „trait d’union“-Projekts als Basis seiner Multikompatibilität und Nachhaltigkeit

Interkulturelles Lernen in Schule und Unterricht

“trait d’union” offers facilities for intercultural communication and its learning.

“Trait d’union – Bindestrich zwischen den Kulturen”, präsentiert in der Zeitschrift BEGEGNUNG (2012)

“trait d’union” - a learning and action platform for intercultural involvement

Migration and Integration

Die internationalen Treffen der “trait d’union”-Redakteure: Schüleraustausch als Projektarbeit

Plädoyer für ein Internationales Zentrum für InterKulturelles Lernen in Colomiers (2002)

“trait d’union” präsentiert zweisprachig den deutschen Schriftsteller Matthias Politycki (2001)

Die “trait d’union” Webseite, ein multimediales Forum des interkulturellen Lernens und Austauschs

Die “trait d’union” Ausgaben von n° 1/2001 bis n° 10/2019

Programmatische Texte über die internationale Schülerzeitung “trait d’union” (2001-2012)

Europäische Projekte zum interkulturellen Lernen (seit 2000)

Dove est Faustina? Ein trilinguales Schüleraustausch-Projekt in Rom (1999)

Interkulturelles Lernen im Schüleraustausch (1997)

Vorschläge zur Didaktik, Methodik und Organisation einer Auslands-Studienfahrt (1992)


About Commenting. An Outline of a trait d’union Tutorial

Munich, 22 September 2017
Published on traitdunion.online by the project manager


A Tutorial for the Intercultural Editors’ Team – Proposals of the Project Seminar Intercultural Competence at the Gisela-Gymnasium München / Germany

The cooperation of young editors within the framework of an intercultural youth magazine like trait d’union is on the one hand broadening the horizon of the participants. On the other hand, however, their communication requires a high sensibility as to the cultural diversity of values and attitudes.

If possible, the partners’ contributions (texts and pictures, audios and videos) should not only be lauded or criticized, because they can be the base for a fruitful exchange of experiences and ideas between the editors and even initiate new contributions, realized in cooperation.

This is why the students of the Project Seminar Intercultural Competence at the Gisela-Gymnasium in Munich reflected about the specific needs in the field of commenting on the partners’ contributions.

Please give us your ideas, your consent or criticism by posting a comment here! So, maybe soon we will be able to set a common tutorial about commenting for our intercultural editors’ team.

You may begin the comment with your first impression: You emphasize the aspects you liked, what was new for you and what you consider as being important. Eventually you express to be touched by the topic and/or (parts of) the contribution itself.

Then you could ask for clarification (in case of need) and for further information about certain aspects of the contribution.
The next step could be adding your own experiences and thoughts as to particular facets of the commented post.

Drawing comparisons is always enriching your horizon, by discovering commonalities, similarities and differences in the fields of experiences and perspectives, attitudes and cultural backgrounds – and discussing about them respectfully with the partners.

You may also express your consent or dissent from the (or some) opinions and conclusions contained in the commented work. Of course, giving reasons is helpful to avoid misunderstandings and – perhaps – even to convince the partner from your point of view. If you think, that criticism is suitable, please level it in a frank, but always respectful way!

The commented posting may inspire another contribution that you produce on your own or in communication/cooperation with the editor who created the inspiring work or with other interested editors.

And now, please, show appreciation for your partners by commenting on their contributions!